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Coffee Mornings

Throughout the year, we hold Coffee Mornings for parents/carers to find out more about our school and get to know the staff team.

Check Class Dojo for new and upcoming events!

Previous Events

22nd June 2023 - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Please find the presentation from our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coffee Morning.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities presentation

Parent/Carer Feedback

'Staff were friendly. Very informative.'

'Happy to join and share concerns.'

'Really liked the session. More sessions like this will really help.'

'My first session for Coffee Morning. Enjoyed meeting the team and other members.'

'A great effort has been put down to understand each and every child's needs. Thanks very much! A very happy parent!'

'I really enjoyed the session as it gives me reassurance that my child's study needs are being met in a way that suits his unique needs.'

'Great idea to invite Catherine (Communication and Autism Team) and Liz (Pupil and School Support) to the session.'

'Really informative to know about SEND and how the school approach and manage it with the help of external agencies. Please do a Coffee Morning on Maths!'

'Very informative. Interesting to understand the process in school.'



16th February 2023 - Phonics

Please find the presentation from our Phonics Coffee Morning.

Phonics presentation



24th November 2022 - Online Safety

Please find the presentation from our Online Safety Coffee Morning.

Online Safety presentation

Parent/Carer Feedback

'Really interesting Coffee Morning. I have learnt a lot. Brilliant!'

'More sessions like this one.'

'It was so helpful.'

'Very informative and an excellent open and frank discussion.'

'This session has been very timely and informative. It was great to hear from other parents how they support their children to be safe online.'

'Really useful.'

'Good awareness for the parents who can think about it before introducing them to the internet.'

'Enjoyed the group discussions.'

'A very informative session with important information to communicate to our families for tech help and safety.'



10th November 2022 - Mental Health

Please find the presentation from our Mental Health Coffee Morning.

Mental Health presentation

Parent/Carer Feedback

'Interactive fun activities! Really informative!.'

'Positive and friendly atmosphere!'

'Really good to attend sessions like this.'

'I enjoyed the session - lots of information on mental health.'

'Interactive, informative and enjoyable.'

'Very good, light atmosphere but still dealt with an important topic!'