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School Bible Stories

Christian values and relationships are at the heart of everything we do. The values of the Christian faith form the basis of how we treat each other and how we invest heavily in all our relationships. We have respect for all, regardless of religious denominations, faith or no faith at all. Children are encouraged to respect the religious and cultural backgrounds of all people, noticing similarities between people and celebrating differences

 These are our stories from the Bible that link to our school vision and underpin all our learning. Each bible story has a school value that allows our children to live out our vision daily.

‘Christian Values and Relationships’

‘Living and Learning Together’

‘Self-Belief, Mutual Respect and Belonging’

‘Happy and Successful Life-long Learning’

Click on the pictures to read the stories.

Our school values are:




St Luke's Church

We have strong links with our church and are actively developing these partnerships to serve the local communities. The high ethnic diversity in our schools helps us to learn how to build and better understand cross-cultural relationships within our school family.  

Tim Bateman is the Reverend and a member of our school governors and trust board. Tim and members of the church team lead whole school collective worship every week in the school, and at least once a term we visit St Lukes and Gas Street St Luke's to celebrate important Christian festivals. 

More information on the church can be found on their webpage:

Gas Street St Luke's — Gas Street Church Birmingham

Other links include The Gate Church, which is attended by the school and parents within the school. Tim Bateman, the reverend of St Luke’s, is a member of the school governors and a trustee. We are linked with St Martin’s church, who provide both pupil and staff counselling as needed.

Regular training and guidance are provided by the DBE and the R.E lead takes part in continuous link meetings. The executive headteacher meets with a representative from the DBE termly. Using guidance and recommendations form the DBE’s Christian distinctiveness advisor, we continually update and monitor school practice. 

More information on the Birmingham Diocese can be found on their website:

Church of England Birmingham (

Tim Bateman

Festival celebrations at St Luke's Church
Festival celebrations at St Luke's Gas Street

Our LIEP (The Ladywood Interfaith Education Project) connection provided through the DBE, has allowed our relationship with the local synagogue, Buddhist temple and mosque to enhance our curriculum. These links allow our pupils and staff to live out the school vision and provide a hands-on experience. Parents are encouraged to take part in the festivals that are held at our local church and in our whole school celebration every Friday.

Year 6 students leading prayer in our church service
Y6 students leading prayer in our church service

Our aim is for children to be inspired in all areas of school life and to become independent learners equipped for the future, celebrating every child’s achievement is part of daily life in school. We enjoy sharing the children’s successes both in and out of the classroom. We have regular celebration assemblies and invite friends and family to join us. Educational visits, outdoor learning and residential visits are carefully planned which are a key part of teaching and learning in school.

The Birmingham City Mission visits our school, termly, to share a bible story linked to certain festivals around that time of the year. 

Sarah from BCM sharing a story of compassion from Matthew 14:13–21

We have high expectations of behaviour and attitudes to learning and are working hard with, the children so that they can independently make the right choices, which will develop a culture of mutual respect between children, staff, parents and the community. We believe that a strong partnership between children, parents, staff and directors is vital if the children are to be happy and successful life-long learners. The world is rapidly changing, and we need to prepare our children to succeed in all areas of life. We are committed to meeting every need of each pupil. We provide all the children with the experiences that will encourage participation, enjoyment, physical development, social skills and an independent interest in health and fitness.