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A Welcome from Our Headteacher

I am delighted to warmly welcome you to Thomas CE Primary School.  St Thomas is a very special place in the heart of Birmingham. Exceptionally strong relationships are at the centre of all that we do. This underpins our school vision:

'Through God's love in action, we are the rich soil where roots grow and seeds flourish.' Luke 8:4-15

Our ambition is for all of our children to develop to their full potential, whilst developing spiritually, morally, academically, emotionally and physically.

The staff, governors and I are very proud of our school: it has great people, pupils, facilities and a wider school community to ensure children have the positive stepping stones required in order for them to flourish and grow.

We hope that by visiting this website, it gives our families and visitors an insight into the life of our school.

Should you wish to visit the school or find out more, we would you invite you to contact the school office.


Miss S Williams - Head of School

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